Cant remember last time demo'd a bike before I bought it.
Good point. I do typically do a bit of sizing chat with Scherrit and kinda know what I want/need with road/TT stuff though. Because MTB is so far removed from my normal riding I just don't know what certain geos feel like. I don't know if I'll like a bike's handling or it will do what I want it to do. So, dropping £3k on something that turns out to annoy the piss out of me is the last thing I want to do. This is probably why I've been umming and arring about MTBs for a year now.
Gotcha. I'm waiting on some parts to turn the Inbred back into an actual MTB.
Cant remember last time demo'd a bike before I bought it. Think I seem to take the approach of buying EVERY bike and randomly sooner or later one fits me and I like it...
Sherpa; geared, rigid, all day Chilterns/Ridgeway bike
Sir9; Singlespeed, maybe plus tyres, maybe hardtail short local blasts. Make Swinley/Crowthorne Woods/Barossa less dull bike. Have always had a SS MTB in shed.
Also have a Broken Road hardtail which use for bikepacking as well. Think one of three may well go when have got Sir9 up and running which will take me 6 months, knowing me