Ok, that kinda makes sense why they have the two options. Spending 3k on either when you've not ridden it seems like it's asking for trouble though.
Another question I've been pondering is how does some mug like me tune a flash, new suspension fork if they have no idea how it's even supposed to behave?
Out of curiosity, if you've got the Sherpa what's your use-case for SS?
Another question I've been pondering is how does some mug like me tune a flash, new suspension fork if they have no idea how it's even supposed to behave?
As LB said, the manufacturers guides are easily available
If you wanted to go full nerd, a couple of people 'on here' have one of these gizmos
Spending 3k on either when you've not ridden it seems like it's asking for trouble though.
Cant remember last time demo'd a bike before I bought it. Think I seem to take the approach of buying EVERY bike and randomly sooner or later one fits me and I like it...
Out of curiosity, if you've got the Sherpa what's your use-case for SS?
Sherpa; geared, rigid, all day Chilterns/Ridgeway bike
Sir9; Singlespeed, maybe plus tyres, maybe hardtail short local blasts. Make Swinley/Crowthorne Woods/Barossa less dull bike. Have always had a SS MTB in shed.
Also have a Broken Road hardtail which use for bikepacking as well. Think one of three may well go when have got Sir9 up and running which will take me 6 months, knowing me
The 4130 Sherpa was produced because during the early stage of the pandemic Stanton's taiwanese maker couldn't source 853, so Stanton chose heat treated 4130 tubes to get as close as they could to the 853. In parallel Stanton were developing their UK frame manufacturing but that was delayed as well by the pandemic and I think Stanton was worried about the delay in getting UK frame building off the ground, and hinted that the cost of developing the frame shop was hurting them so needed to keep supplying frames in the interim to keep cash flow going and customers happy.
Think if I was buying a complete, I would go 853 as its a small overall increase and closer to the design Stanton wanted. I am not sure any 853 frame has 853 rear stays?
Really like my Mk2 Sherpa. My only gripe is I have waited 8 months for singlespeed drop outs to come into stock, so bought Pits' Sir9 as that will singlespeed easily. Still want to keep the Sherpa though.
Edit: In fairness to Stanton the delay to the SS drop outs is because they are re-designing them apparently