I've got an old Alkpit stem cell. It's a prototype, so the velcro loops are sewn in place rather than on adjustable webbing.
Or, a Restrap stem bag. Used once, unmarked.
Also, I've got an old Planet X framebag. Approx 50cm along the top where it would sit under the toptube, 20cm down along the seat tube.
Let me know if any are of interest?
Thanks Lanslide, stem bag is a bit of an extra want if anyone had any of the other bits and could bundle. Will see how many other bits I get and get back to you. Cheers.
I've got an old Alkpit stem cell. It's a prototype, so the velcro loops are sewn in place rather than on adjustable webbing.
Or, a Restrap stem bag. Used once, unmarked.
Also, I've got an old Planet X framebag. Approx 50cm along the top where it would sit under the toptube, 20cm down along the seat tube.
Let me know if any are of interest?