If you're doing playback from local storage I'd get a raspberry pi with a USB drive and stick Kodi on it.
I mean, if you're not planning on using any of the capabilities of Plex beyond direct play local playback then you may want to skip Plex altogether and go with Kodi and either a NAS or USB drive plugged into the Pi.
I moved to using Plex because I watch on different devices and synchronise to mobile devices, otherwise I'd probably still be using Kodi.
Thanks, I think I'm starting to understand what a good setup might look like now. Quite a small collection currently so it looks like a Shield should work, or, on the cheaper end, I thhink maybe the new Chromecast 'with Google TV' can do playback from local storage, though unsure quite how well or what that means i.e. local disc or network storage over LAN.