What rubbish. None of what he says is libelous, misrepresentation and he has a very good grasp on the vile antisemitism that was unfortunately prevalent in Corbyns left that tore the party apart. In fact he hits the nail on the head.
You are right on one thing though. It's best to leave it and stop rehashing it because it just sounds like you are digging a hole for yourself. Best leave it alone.
That link confirms my view. It suggests that you have misunderstood the issue and that you have formed a conclusion and then gone looking for evidence to contort in support of it, some of which you have either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented. And some of what you say in that post is potentially libelous.
However, I'm not going to get into this any further as I am tired of rehashing the same arguments and it is off topic.