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  • Went Down a bit of a rabbit hole with the song: in the pines/where did you sleep last night?/Black Girl

    It’s a composite of at least 2 folk songs and has been dated as far back as 1840, but elements are probably far older.
    There are various themes; a destitute woman, a jealous husband, a concerned lover/friend/parent/sibling, possessive pimp, . Technological progress and a big train, a corrupt politician, an industrial accident, murder, a yearning to escape.
    The emphasis of the themes seem to be drawn along class and racial lines.

    You will probably know this version

    Which was fed by

    Leadbelly variation under the title of “Black Girl” the emphasis changes

    But on the other side of the tracks you have

    It’s all about the train

    And then circling back to something this century


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