When we had plumbers in installing central heating they found that the wall which they planned to put the boiler on is hardly attached to the rest of the house and you could wobble it a few cm with a little push, then that afternoon we had a ceiling collapse and water running running down the wall.
The thing I hate most about having people in is finding they've started doing something differently to how you expected and asking them to redo it differently. I guess if you have some practice at managing building works you know what needs defined at the start and it's a case of working to that all the way through
When we had plumbers in installing central heating they found that the wall which they planned to put the boiler on is hardly attached to the rest of the house and you could wobble it a few cm with a little push, then that afternoon we had a ceiling collapse and water running running down the wall.
Sounds mildly stressful
"M8, your house is fucked, and we've double fucked it by making it wet. Where's that tea?"
Yeah, it's all totally reasonable. And necessary. But I am finding myself hovering over the Zoom mute button waiting for the next angle grinder or mitre saw spin up.
Again, understandable and these guys are actually being considerate in that regard. Although, I did have to apologise to Large US Tech Corp earlier when I had to duck out of the call to go and retrieve mini_com's bath toys out of the way of dust and debris as I had forgotten to do so earlier or just assumed they'd throw a sheet over the bath.
Currently have "Play That Funky Music White Boy" turned up to 11. I think it's Heart, or Capital.
I think the above contribute to this. But there is some sort of dread that they are going to find something wrong that can't be fixed. Or if it can, it'll cost ya. And all that coming down to some failure of mine somehow. I know I didn't build the house or not maintain it for the last 30 years, but that's what I mean by inexplicable stress. The anxiety is telling me that it's my fault/responsibility. Did I chose to do things in the wrong order? Should I have somehow known that said issue was an issue? Have I bought a complete lemon and am I going to bankrupt my family?
Catastrophise? Moi?