“The vaccine strategy has become his 'get out of jail' card.
Based on past Boris behaviour, his focus for the immediate future will be where he is winning. Part of his persona is his ability to find a berth in a Titanic lifeboat while others struggle in the icy water. “
“We have to hope the anger doesn't boil over here”
I suspect a certain inevitably about anger boiling over but I’m not sure who unionists will channel it against- bombs down south, general strike again, random riots against the police. They will be fighting against a deal they signed up to. Strong chance that whatever happens GB will just,in reality, ignore it as noise over the water and this may increase disenchantment with the Union.
Brexit still on course to achieve what armed resistance couldn’t.
Good column on RTE
Like the description on Johnson NI priorities;
“The vaccine strategy has become his 'get out of jail' card.
Based on past Boris behaviour, his focus for the immediate future will be where he is winning. Part of his persona is his ability to find a berth in a Titanic lifeboat while others struggle in the icy water. “
“We have to hope the anger doesn't boil over here”
I suspect a certain inevitably about anger boiling over but I’m not sure who unionists will channel it against- bombs down south, general strike again, random riots against the police. They will be fighting against a deal they signed up to. Strong chance that whatever happens GB will just,in reality, ignore it as noise over the water and this may increase disenchantment with the Union.
Brexit still on course to achieve what armed resistance couldn’t.