Ha, I was working in the hoover call centre back then booking out the engineers, it was my Saturday job all throughout my GCSEs and A levels and it was an absolute shit show. The same parts always broke but none of the engineers would carry any parts. 90% of the calls were just people shouting at us because an engineer had turned up, knew instantly what was wrong said he didn't have the part and would have to order it which would always take 2 to 4 weeks.
I had a washing machine (Hoover, 1999) with a 5 year warranty that turned out to be unreliable. It was a massive PITA as the repeated breakdowns and having to go to the launderette while waiting for repair people or parts were very disruptive. When it broke again after 5 and a bit years I was delighted to replace it (Bosch, 2006, still going although it is getting very noisy and we may replace it).