Personally I'm a big fan of umpires call as it is as it keeps the human element at the top of the decisions. We're not robots and it's just a game so I think it's important to keep the balance right (although maybe I'm a dinosaur).
The disaster with VAR in football imo is because they're trying to use a black and white decision making tool with zero margin for error in a sport with a mostly interpretive rule set.
Agree - the none catch was so strange.
In this case I think it's debateable whether the ball tracker really got the point of impact right. It did look like when it hit the pad, more than half the ball was inline with the stumps. Not blaming anyone, just not sure the technology really got it right.
I'm content with the "umpires call" on the stumps- but never been so comfortable with the umpires call on hitting the pads in line. I think if it impacts anywhere within the line of the stumps (rather than the more than half ball), you should roll it on and the decision should be based on the stumps. Basically - no umpires call on impact or pitching, with the umpires call element only brought in for the stumps.