Yeah I've been on the lookout for panels for ages to construct something over my compost heap, but nothing ever comes up, something on freecycle the other day but no reply to my message. Might grab a sheet of this stuff. Not transparent, but should do for the side. I'll retain the glass in the top as it's less troublesome.
That's what's in the lid of my Aldi cold frame, seems to do the job just fine (apart from when foxes smash it in, but at least it's flexy enough to pop back into place)
Yeah I've been on the lookout for panels for ages to construct something over my compost heap, but nothing ever comes up, something on freecycle the other day but no reply to my message. Might grab a sheet of this stuff. Not transparent, but should do for the side. I'll retain the glass in the top as it's less troublesome.