I've asked this before, about a year ago at the start of Lockdown I, and got some great responses, which I have worked my way through. I am now asking again - if anyone could be bothered I would be massively grateful if you could share spoiler-free highlights/videos of your favourite days of racing. Monuments, World Champs, great days from a stage-race etc. Even incredible track days. My preference probably for the past ~10 years but anything gratefully received!
Once watched I'll happily collate recommendations into a single post for any future seekers.
I've asked this before, about a year ago at the start of Lockdown I, and got some great responses, which I have worked my way through. I am now asking again - if anyone could be bothered I would be massively grateful if you could share spoiler-free highlights/videos of your favourite days of racing. Monuments, World Champs, great days from a stage-race etc. Even incredible track days. My preference probably for the past ~10 years but anything gratefully received!
Once watched I'll happily collate recommendations into a single post for any future seekers.