That 700mm figure doesn't look right at all, or maybe just applies to underneath the boiler.
A quick google shows that most require 50mm clearance to the sides/front for airflow and maybe ~250mm above.
Ours is boxed in, but the panels are easily removed for servicing (the same company that installed it in the existing boxed in area are happy to service it like this). This is how most boxing in of boilers tends to be done.
That 700mm figure doesn't look right at all, or maybe just applies to underneath the boiler.
A quick google shows that most require 50mm clearance to the sides/front for airflow and maybe ~250mm above.
Ours is boxed in, but the panels are easily removed for servicing (the same company that installed it in the existing boxed in area are happy to service it like this). This is how most boxing in of boilers tends to be done.