Very nice, if I wasn't holding out for a mates 16V I'd be more interested.
It's a difficult situation to be in. I've sold a lot of stuff in recent years to clear stress, clutter etc and I often tell myself if I really miss it then I can buy another one. But prices on a lot of things I've owned has skyrocketed lately and even though I'm better off now I can't afford the premium or face the idea of paying double what I sold it for (including my old VW).
Very nice, if I wasn't holding out for a mates 16V I'd be more interested.
It's a difficult situation to be in. I've sold a lot of stuff in recent years to clear stress, clutter etc and I often tell myself if I really miss it then I can buy another one. But prices on a lot of things I've owned has skyrocketed lately and even though I'm better off now I can't afford the premium or face the idea of paying double what I sold it for (including my old VW).