I'm sure it will be a little bit better, but for most circumstances a dinky little USB dongle is going to have more bandwidth over WiFi than the router has over the incoming wire, so it's moot. You don't hear a lot of complaints from people using the mini radios in their phones to connect to the domestic WiFi after all.
a WLAN adapter for a stationary device with an Ethernet port
My stationary devices with Ethernet ports are wired into the router, that for me is the no-brainer 🙂
I'm sure it will be a little bit better, but for most circumstances a dinky little USB dongle is going to have more bandwidth over WiFi than the router has over the incoming wire, so it's moot. You don't hear a lot of complaints from people using the mini radios in their phones to connect to the domestic WiFi after all.
My stationary devices with Ethernet ports are wired into the router, that for me is the no-brainer 🙂