Have you seen this map of the plan for the whole borough:
https://twitter.com/Ianbarnes2001/status/1359857317995495425It's not clear if they're planning to cut off Wightman Road as they so obviously should.
Seems a pity they aren't connected to Islington's efforts to the South
The borough boundary more-or-less matches obvious cell boundaries, so there's not much need for coordination.
Islington plans to cover the whole borough this council term, but us northerners have to wait.
Yes. I don't know all the areas but the Turnpike Lane East LTN (the one with Duckett's Green above) is weird as there's an old railway line across the middle which completely separates the two zones to either side. It makes me wonder whether other LTNs have been designed just based around the boundary roads without thinking about what's in them.
I have strong suspicions that Wightman will be kept open. The LTN they're doing at the moment (Bruce Grove) has a couple of B roads (Belmont Road/Downhills Way {which is very residential} and Philip Lane) as boundaries.
Given the amount of house building that is planned and already happening north of Wightman I suspect they'll be keeping it open to alleviate that extra traffic.
Looks like Haringey are starting to look at low traffic zones. Up until now they've been pretty shit at anything but prioritising motor traffic so it will be interesting to see where this goes.
One in Bounds Green which I know little about https://boundsgreenltnmap.commonplace.is/comments and two adjoining ones in St Ann's https://stannsltnmap.commonplace.is/comments and Bruce Grove/Tottenham https://tottenhambrucegroveltn.commonplace.is/comments which I'm more familiar with
Some prime rat-running routes (particularly in St. Ann's) so it will be interesting to see how this ends up.
Obviously also local concerns about how it will impact the areas outside the LTN. The Ladder area is concerned about how it will impact the already busy Wightman Road and the Duckett's Green area on the edge of the two schemes (circled in blue) will definitely suffer increased rat-running from displaced traffic. (Weirdly that area has been parcelled in to another possible future LTN with an area that it doesn't have any traffic links to.)