Selling a few bits from my Charge that are now redundant.
Pair tubeless 650bx47 Vittoria Terreno Zeros. Used for about 2000km. Few cuts but plenty of life left. £20 £15
Bitex BX106 centrelock disc hubs. 32h, QR front and rear. Adapters are available to convert them to most axle standards. Have seen about 2000km from new. Bearings are still smooth. £Sold
TRP 160mm two piece centrelock rotors. No lockrings. Ridden up and down the road. Retail is £30 each so say £45 £40
Selling a few bits from my Charge that are now redundant.
Pair tubeless 650bx47 Vittoria Terreno Zeros. Used for about 2000km. Few cuts but plenty of life left.
£20£15Bitex BX106 centrelock disc hubs. 32h, QR front and rear. Adapters are available to convert them to most axle standards. Have seen about 2000km from new. Bearings are still smooth. £Sold
TRP 160mm two piece centrelock rotors. No lockrings. Ridden up and down the road. Retail is £30 each so say