Have a look for FM employment.
That's the route I went 4 years ago. You need to be a Jack of All Trades but be a specialist in one.
Hate plumbing with a passion but have learnt enough now to deal with it. Work sent me on Air Con, Electrical Testing, IPAF and PASMA Training.
They will look for a team of Electrical, Gas and Air Conditioning specialists. Tick one of the jobs and be prepared to learn some of the rest.
It’s funny, there are some aspects I’m quite enjoying about domestic work but there’s a mounting list of reasons why I’m not keen to do it forever. It’s either fucking filthy work in a house being renovated, or it’s a nightmare of trying to not make a mess of a finished house. Then there’s all the horror stories of clients not paying etc.
I was planning to try and complete my NVQ then do the AM2 so I can get a gold card and join a competent person scheme.
Is that a reasonable path or should I just try and get straight in with somewhere commercial/industrial? Seemed to me like there was fuck all going unless you have gold card/AM2.