When I was having PT sessions, particularly with dumbbells, my forearms and grip were the weak point.
Particularly for exercises like dumbbell step ups, the rest of the body would feel ok, but forearms would be screaming.
I’d been working to improve them with heavy duty forearm grippers, and pull-up bar hangs, before getting sick.
Also broomstick with a weight tied onto it with a string is a very classic forearm/wrist training aid.
This is an effective item - and it’s bloody hard work. Also, easy to make one if there is no stock.
Wrist Ripper - The Ultimate Wrist Roller and Grip Trainer https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0777K22DC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_BD4YM3TMFNQZ7PR3Y0ZV
I also find manoeuvring the weights into position before
Move the 'stand' closer to your start point.
For a press,
It’s grip strength, holding onto the dumbbells becomes tough for me when they get heavier and the reps build up.
I also find manoeuvring the weights into position before for e.g. a press is the toughest part- the selectable dumbbells that I have are quite long and therefore unwieldy, but also wrist strength is needed to transition the weight from the rack to the press position.