I got a guitar around 9-10 and never took to it much.
Then when I went to boarding school I took up double bass and that helped to push me back towards guitar. I didn't take any guitar lessons until I was around 17 though and I felt like I was at a standard to actually really learn, I had an unbelievably good teacher which helped. At the same time I took up classical guitar, it was a good experience but I didn't stick with it, one year of lessons at RIAM and I completed Grade 6 but I will say my sight reading on guitar has never been even close to my sight reading on bass which is the one down side to starting formal lessons so late...
Weirdly I was the opposite.
I got a guitar around 9-10 and never took to it much.
Then when I went to boarding school I took up double bass and that helped to push me back towards guitar. I didn't take any guitar lessons until I was around 17 though and I felt like I was at a standard to actually really learn, I had an unbelievably good teacher which helped. At the same time I took up classical guitar, it was a good experience but I didn't stick with it, one year of lessons at RIAM and I completed Grade 6 but I will say my sight reading on guitar has never been even close to my sight reading on bass which is the one down side to starting formal lessons so late...