I have one on my desk, and I don't do anything fancy with it, but find I always defer to it for quick maths and to add reminders for tasks, shopping lists etc. Basically little things that I would normally have to open a browser tab and type, but can just say out loud instead.
Never try to use them while on a call though. A client of mine had a nest too and wouldn't stop setting mine off.
haven't found a use for it as yet.
My BT kitchen speaker broke not long before the Spotify deal came up so originally planned to use it for music.
TBH we've found it great. Good enough sound for a kitchen. We use it for;
- casting music and radio,
- timing food,
- asking the current temperature and weather forecast
- Misc. questions
Imo it's perfect for a kitchen as everything is voice controlled including volume.
- casting music and radio,
haha none whatsover - I got one free on the same promo last year too and haven't found a use for it as yet. was hoping to nick YOUR ideas.