Spend properly on your main monitor, it’s an investment for years. Good reading on resolutions here: https://bjango.com/articles/macexternaldisplays/
Your second monitor can be less good as I guess it’s mainly to offload stuff?
Also spend on ergonomics, it’s worth it.
i'd ditch dual monitors and get a single ultrawide. I've got a 34" AOC screen and it's great, especially now that i'm learning the snap-to keyboard shortcuts. If my work laptop wasn't so locked down, it'd be even better as you can get quite creative with how you set up your 'zones' for multiple windows.
Morning all WFH worker bees
I've been giving the opportunity to sort out a new work rig at home. I am looking to get dual monitors and my current laptop.
Are there any neat solutions out there? What's everyone else's battle station look like?