• Morning all WFH worker bees

    I've been giving the opportunity to sort out a new work rig at home. I am looking to get dual monitors and my current laptop.

    Are there any neat solutions out there? What's everyone else's battle station look like?

  • Spend properly on your main monitor, it’s an investment for years. Good reading on resolutions here: https://bjango.com/articles/macexternaldisplays/

    Your second monitor can be less good as I guess it’s mainly to offload stuff?

    Also spend on ergonomics, it’s worth it.

  • i'd ditch dual monitors and get a single ultrawide. I've got a 34" AOC screen and it's great, especially now that i'm learning the snap-to keyboard shortcuts. If my work laptop wasn't so locked down, it'd be even better as you can get quite creative with how you set up your 'zones' for multiple windows.

  • rig


    battle station



