Gonna put down poison any suggestions for what is best to go for?
Don't. Other things might end up eating the poison, eg hedgehogs although hopefully not at this time of year, and you will never get rid of all the rats in the area anyway. Beef up your compost bin if they are causing a problem there etc.
Potentially got rats out our back...
Worth checking what your council offers for this. We had a rat take up residence in the garden which Dartford council sorted for free - parents in Cambridgeshire had to pay a fee (not for the same rat!), but it was much less stressful getting a professional in to deal with the issue rather than trying to work out which poison/trap would be best.
Potentially got rats out our back, we dont leave food or anything but they ave been in at the compost bin and dug under a couple of shed.
Gonna put down poison any suggestions for what is best to go for?