I think I have picked up the profession of Cycliste from some of your other comments.
We all accumulate micromorts every day.
@CptnBigNose probably doesn't want to unwind his cycling health benefit on 10 doors.
An infra red heat gun might be a worthwhile purchase.
Trough of DCM!
Urban myth has it, back when the UK had a lot of people employed in chemical processing the associated pension scheme had wonderful benefits, principally because few lived long enough to reach pensionable age.
Carbon disulphide was a solvent of choice back in those days.
Small world. So does Cycliste, my other half. In Occupational Safety, ironically.
You're right, 10 doors is quite a lot. I've only ever used it on bike frames, where the surface area and the amounts involved are quite limited.
One of my framebuilding books suggests having a trough of DCM available at all times for stripping paint off frames. Not sure I'd be too keen on having that in the workshop 24/7 even with the recommended cover.