Dichloromethane was the paint removing solvent of choice in days before anyone cared about or had a Duty of Care for the users of chemicals.
3M know about this chemical and they recommend an airflow face mask.Good advice if you're using it commercially and on a regular basis. For occasional use, that would seem overkill.
The Starchem product also contains 5-10% Methanol, which again requires a Supplied Air face mask.
As illustrated by this. Methylated spirits contain at least 5% methanol. I suspect almost everyone on this forum has used meths without wearing a positive pressure respirator. If you're working with the stuff 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, then obviously it's very different.
Still, YMMV. Personal risk assessments can only ever be that - personal.
I suspect I am one of the few forumengers that work in the Chemical Industry.
I have a heightened sense of Duty of Care.@CptnBigNose said he had 10 doors, (admittedly only one side per door) to do.
One door outside, yeah, what the Hell we're all going to die of something,
if you're on here the chances are you're healthier than the average.10 door sides, hmm.
Meths, yep we all have access to it, and the 5% methanol is totally miscible with the 95% ethanol. The deciding factor is the increased volatility of dichloromethane versus ethanol.
MSDS here.
Dichloromethane was the paint removing solvent of choice in days before anyone cared about or had a Duty of Care for the users of chemicals.
3M know about this chemical and they recommend an airflow face mask.
The Starchem product also contains 5-10% Methanol, which again requires a Supplied Air face mask.
I'm not trying to scare you, but the Starchem product is clearly 'For Professional Use' only.
No face mask you can buy at Toolstation/Screwfix/etc will ofer you any protections,
except from liquid splashes.
You're a sensible guy, because you've asked for guidance.
Outside you won't be exposed to much, but you will be exposed to vapours,
you will smell it, so you will be exposed.
You can assess the risks.