Ha, they took a usb cable! And the cheapest halfords-own-brand phone mount you can get. I think they have their own idea of valuables. I guess I'll just bring all that shit in with me from now own. They still went through the glove box though. At least they left the hand sanitizer behind. But now that I think about it, they did take a packet of tissues. Oh well...
But now that I think about it, they did take a packet of tissues.
Glad it wasn't worse.
In the 90s I had a 79 Monte Carlo that I swear was the entry level car thief trainer car. Lost 2 stereos until I got the removable type. They also took to really cool mix tapes too. Including ones with my only copies of pre-discovery Tracy Chapman songs from my old Uni radio station. That and my only audio copy of my interview with Ad Rock.
Booo! that sucks man.
Maybe a "No Valuables Kept in Van" disclaimer?