I quite like this layout... a bath by a window is nice but will you actually be able to see out of said window? A shower by a window on the other hand.... this is with a 170x70bath and 80x120 shower but you could prob squeeze a bit larger versions of both in.
IMO people over do sink sizes too, but that's personal, I've gone with a 50x50 sink because there is a built in shelf for all gubbins.
I quite like this layout... a bath by a window is nice but will you actually be able to see out of said window? A shower by a window on the other hand.... this is with a 170x70bath and 80x120 shower but you could prob squeeze a bit larger versions of both in.
IMO people over do sink sizes too, but that's personal, I've gone with a 50x50 sink because there is a built in shelf for all gubbins.