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  • Quick question:

    Mid drive motors send their power through the drivetrain such that a low gear gives the motor the same mechanical advantage that the legs get.

    This is not so with hub drive motors correct? they're sending their power directly through the hub in the same way regardless of what gear you're in correct?

    I mean it would seem that obviously must be the case unless there's some trickery going on.

  • This is not so with hub drive motors correct? they're sending their power directly through the hub in the same way regardless of what gear you're in correct?

    I mean it would seem that obviously must be the case unless there's some trickery going on.

    Not quite, the hub motors are generally controlled via both a cadence sensor, i.e. you have to pedal for power to be applied and the power at the hub is proportional to this plus also a dashboard setting which gives more or less power at the hub.

    They work in conjunction depending on the finesse of the system.
    So a bit like a normal bike, low gear for hills and turning the pedals at a reasonable cadence


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