How can I concentrate WFH? I've done this for 11 months ad I swear it's geting worse and worse. there are just TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS - mainly the internet because no-one is looking over my shoulder, also food, cups of tea, music, doing household chores etc etc. Right now I have 3 easy things to do before tomorrow, I'm dicking about on here and I'll have to log on at 22.00 to get them done. I sit on conference calls reading the internet and missing things on the calls. AAARRGHHH I feel like I am going insane. Thank you for listening to my TED talk
Thanks all. I've dabbled with Pomodoro before with limited success, my laughable lack of willpower doesn't seem to be impacted. Maybe I will try it again, the manual timer rather than the phone app is supposed to be better.... idly browses internet for manual timers
How can I concentrate WFH? I've done this for 11 months ad I swear it's geting worse and worse. there are just TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS - mainly the internet because no-one is looking over my shoulder, also food, cups of tea, music, doing household chores etc etc. Right now I have 3 easy things to do before tomorrow, I'm dicking about on here and I'll have to log on at 22.00 to get them done. I sit on conference calls reading the internet and missing things on the calls. AAARRGHHH I feel like I am going insane. Thank you for listening to my TED talk