Hi, my name is Josh and I'm the founder of AdaptCycles. We have started to sell a product in the UK which could provide a solution to your 15mm fork problem. Our adapters allow you to convert a 15mm fork down to the standardised 12mm size. Please get in touch and I'd be happy to help find a solution for you. We cover nearly every fork dimension there is!
Hi, my name is Josh and I'm the founder of AdaptCycles. We have started to sell a product in the UK which could provide a solution to your 15mm fork problem. Our adapters allow you to convert a 15mm fork down to the standardised 12mm size. Please get in touch and I'd be happy to help find a solution for you. We cover nearly every fork dimension there is!
My ebay shop where you can find more details: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/adaptcycles/m.html?item=333868954562&hash=item4dbc23f3c2%3Ag%3ANngAAOSw4FtgDzCE&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562