• Anyone watch Ratarossa? He’s just on the tolerable side of the ‘hey guys!’ crowd but he’s doing up this RHD 512 BBi that was bought mint about 12 years ago and left to rot on the guys front drive. No explanation yet as to why. It’ll come further into the project but there might be sensitive reasons as to how it happened.

    It’s not like the previous owner is rich and just had no time for to drive yet another Ferrari, it was parked on some shitty estate next to a knackered white Range Rover.

    Sold it for £80k, it’s probably another £40k away from its best but even then they go for 250-300k

  • Before you offer the fantasy £200 for that Midget, look at the shut lines around the door. If they have closed together at the top it's sagging in the middle and £200 will be a drop in a very deep ocean.

  • Smash that subscribe button.

    It's the use of the spinning wheels of death and gas axes with shorts, Converse and sunglasses with a precariously placed axle stand which sets my teeth to grind.
