Useless for the tories up here, the problem we have is that Labour have had a crisis of identity up here and has been mentioned already in this.
Id vote labour up here but they would need to sort there act out and that doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon and thats why the SNP have ran away with it up here with no decent challenges. The scottish greens will sway with the wind and are at best easily pleased and are getting bought off by the GCC by daft things like bike lanes which are useless in the town and very badly thought out.
Theres really no great outlook up here imo, but I look forward to the next white paper from the snp again to see how we got thrive as an independent country.
You’ve named a bunch of opposite worst cunts in your post, but you can’t see the wood for the trees here.
I’ll name two who have got the noses in the trough as much as everyone you’ve listed.
Ian Blackford “but I am just a humble crofter” yet is an ex banker and is claiming 241k in expenses for the year and No 2 Mhairi Black, she does a great speech on Fb once every 6 months to get the people going abiut the big bad tories when in reality she’s done fuck all for her ward and has last time I checked the worst voting record in Westminster.
They are all as bad as one another and to think any of them wouldn’t milk the country when it’s independent is insane.