You’ve named a bunch of opposite worst cunts in your post, but you can’t see the wood for the trees here.
I’ll name two who have got the noses in the trough as much as everyone you’ve listed.
Ian Blackford “but I am just a humble crofter” yet is an ex banker and is claiming 241k in expenses for the year and No 2 Mhairi Black, she does a great speech on Fb once every 6 months to get the people going abiut the big bad tories when in reality she’s done fuck all for her ward and has last time I checked the worst voting record in Westminster.They are all as bad as one another and to think any of them wouldn’t milk the country when it’s independent is insane.
So many people have an opinion on Scottish politics without being aware of the players involved apart from Nicola Sturgeon who gets vilified in the right wing press, villain boo hiss, and Baroness Ruth Davidson, saviour woohoo. RD was a BBC journalist, did the PR bit well but hopeless as a politician. Given ermine for her part in the No campaign and stabbing her successor in the back as he was also useless. They now have Douglas Ross MP, (also useless)but Ruth got recalled to stand in as leader in the Scottish parliament . Still with me? Labour without a leader at the moment because the last guy was useless and a local millionaire who sits in the House of Lords informed the leadership that he wouldn’t donate any more unless he was got rid of, Sir Keir duly got rid of. Lib Dems, wee Willie Rennie, fuck me, absolutely useless. Green party, rabbit hole of navel gazers, only Andy Wightman stood out there, he left and now wants to sit as an independent, a decent guy and an effective politician. A stand out in the current era.