This GameStop stonks / reddit v hedgefunds fuckery is pretty wild. Not going to pretend i know the first thing about how any of it works but the sight of the financial press / 1%'ers having salty conniptions at the prospect of their short sell going titsies and not being able to cover their losses on account of a bunch of commies from the internet using the same fucked system they do, is chef's fucking kiss delicious.
This GameStop stonks / reddit v hedgefunds fuckery is pretty wild. Not going to pretend i know the first thing about how any of it works but the sight of the financial press / 1%'ers having salty conniptions at the prospect of their short sell going titsies and not being able to cover their losses on account of a bunch of commies from the internet using the same fucked system they do, is chef's fucking kiss delicious.