Fair enough if you prefer the texture and aroma.
Sticky (but not too sticky) white rice is my standard and what I've been brought up on. Chewier and less sticky varieties of rice seem a bit wrong to me.I mean, there are also people who apparently enjoy the texture of quinoa, which I dislike, whereas one of my favourite things to eat is spicy dried squid, which others have described as spicy leather shoe laces.
I disagree, Basmati is less starchy and remain in grain form compared to the mush of Jasmine rice if you put too much water in.
Not that the above matters since I cook on the hob and have prefected eyeballing the water level.
My preference is due to the texture and aroma of Basmati and I go through 10 kg bags (live alone!) every 2 1/2 months.
I use Jasmine rice solely for congee and Basmati for everything else!