I just got bought a standing desk so I'll need to be using a keyboard again rather than my laptop's one, my current mechanical keyboard, a Razer black widow, is the loudest thing in the world so I've bought a new one that will have Cherry Reds (or equivalent) that I can put o-rings under to reduce the travel. Gone for some cheap as fuck ebay special that apparently isn't completely plastic and the switches are Cherry clones, they've got a photo of the board and the connections look exactly the same so if/when the existing switches turn out to be shit I can just replace them. I need some Mac key caps though or I'm going to forget which button is which.
I just got bought a standing desk so I'll need to be using a keyboard again rather than my laptop's one, my current mechanical keyboard, a Razer black widow, is the loudest thing in the world so I've bought a new one that will have Cherry Reds (or equivalent) that I can put o-rings under to reduce the travel. Gone for some cheap as fuck ebay special that apparently isn't completely plastic and the switches are Cherry clones, they've got a photo of the board and the connections look exactly the same so if/when the existing switches turn out to be shit I can just replace them. I need some Mac key caps though or I'm going to forget which button is which.