• #29202
and we don’t want that.
Perhaps they need to hear it? Otherwise we're spending time worrying about being careful what we think about what people think of us, rather than what needs to be said?
#notjudging -
• #29203
I don’t know when he moved to the Bahamas to live but I really hope it wasn’t when he was a brexit party MEP.
Brexit Party MEP dies near his home in the Bahamas -
• #29205
Email has just come out from Stolen Goat saying that they can't export to the EU for the time being.
• #29206
• #29207
The people who voted to remove liberties for younger generations, are shocked and offended when the younger generation aren't interested in following the guidance in place for Covid, calling them selfish for not giving up the few remaining liberties they have.
• #29208
Stena line returns to planned Belfast Liverpool route.
There are still lots of problems with getting goods into NI so earlier than I expected, but fair play for adding a shiny new ferry to our routes here.
They called out brexit on twitter when they swapped route so see how it goes, they won't mince words I think.
• #29209
MasterCard raises transaction fees for UK EU transactions because EU regulations to stop that no longer apply...
• #29210
Stena line ferry returns to planned Belfast Liverpool route.
You're not ferry accurate in reporting this, are you? :)
• #29211
• #29212
...so the telegraph are either pro-Merkel or anti-brexit?
• #29213
Yeah they've snookered themselves a bit with that one.
• #29214
More like as things continue to go tits up, they can blame someone other than the Tories.
• #29215
That's ferry unfair, I think that should remark should not sail ;)
• #29216
I reckon JWestland has been trying to deflect from the boon to the Dutch economy that was her real plan all along:
• #29217
you could always ro-ro back on this opinion. -
• #29218
I just don't know how to build bridges now.
• #29219
Something you and the PM have in common...
• #29220
Couldn't we just have a really big ferry, maybe with a garden on it?
• #29221
Living in Belfast that won't help me unless NI will join the Netherlands ;)
Might be a sale if they can throw in Dutch coffee shops :p
It's all mad, an English cheese maker will open his factory expansion in France now, not England as the paperwork is just too much for small shipments.
It's ok for huge cheese shipments but not the consumer boxes he also sells.
• #29223
I saw that its almost like a bunch of jingoistic, xenophobic racists are "in charge"* of government policy.
*They definitely don't ask Rupert Murdoch, and the Barclay brothers what they show be doing. No siree
• #29224
You’re not wrong.
What a hate-filled place we have become. Disgusting.
• #29225
I thought I posted that link...
Now how can I use the income stream to my advantage?
"senior DIT adviser on trade...said he had to be careful what he said"