So work in progress, pics in reverse order. First put masking tape over the middle of the star with a little tag to pull it all off. [Trying to get the mask off after hours of work with sticky wet enamel is stressy.]
Then use Bare Metal chrome foil to mask the star - laying the straight edges of cut strips of foil along the edges of the star is pretty straightforward.
Masking the border is not straightforward, I stuck strips of foil across each curve between points of the star and then used a hobby knife to try and follow the curve. Tests the eyes, needs a glass of wine to steady the hand :)
So work in progress, pics in reverse order. First put masking tape over the middle of the star with a little tag to pull it all off. [Trying to get the mask off after hours of work with sticky wet enamel is stressy.]
Then use Bare Metal chrome foil to mask the star - laying the straight edges of cut strips of foil along the edges of the star is pretty straightforward.
Masking the border is not straightforward, I stuck strips of foil across each curve between points of the star and then used a hobby knife to try and follow the curve. Tests the eyes, needs a glass of wine to steady the hand :)
Then into my shonky spraying booth ...
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