Anyone got any thoughts on the study/guest bedroom area? Our thinking was pull down bed, a desk where two people can work during the day and also have a sofa/tv. We both have parents who aren’t getting younger and thought that this would be a good option for it they were staying as relatively self contained. But not sure if silly. Do we need the shower room downstairs?
I think downstairs shower room is smart forward planning.
Not sure if kids are in the mix (which makes this worse - but in any case where do you put coats bags shoes scooters etc ? Constant source of frustration for me with a small entry hall-just spills into our single dining living space.
Don’t currently have kids but that was thinking for door to utility room as there’s side access on both sides. All those things seems quite bulky so not sure there will be enough storage in utility but 🤷♂️
Anyone got any thoughts on the study/guest bedroom area? Our thinking was pull down bed, a desk where two people can work during the day and also have a sofa/tv. We both have parents who aren’t getting younger and thought that this would be a good option for it they were staying as relatively self contained. But not sure if silly. Do we need the shower room downstairs?