That sucks - fingers crossed it’s just a muscle spasm thing that fades quickly.
The routine of sitting on kitchen chairs, hunched over a small laptop for 10 hours a day is utterly savage on your lower back - been trying to avoid the trap by doing random stretches and exercises throughout the day but it doesn’t always happen and the tweaks sneak in.
Heal up fast.
Ta. And yeah it’s just muscular- no nervy, sciatic stuff so hopefully sort itself out in a matter of days.
I set up a decent workspace at the start of the first lockdown - proper desk, chair, big monitor, etc. but really it’s the lack of movement. In the office I’ll stand up, go talk to someone, go to a whiteboard, make a coffee, walk out for a sandwich for lunch, cycle home. None of that now.
After getting some form back just by doing 8 miles every second day, and a 1-2 hours of regents park cycling on the other days, I've just managed to put my back out
Paying for a combination of sitting for endless hours in front of zoom, minimal movement otherwise, no core/strength type stuff.
All so predictable...