It sounds like you've put a lot more thought into it than I have to be fair. I think part of my view on this stuff is the nimbyism I see round here - we have a few of the same old faces who object to every new bit of development, every company trying something new, every bit of improvement in the area, and I'm so tired of it. Our local group tried getting the Aldi blocked on the grounds that it might affect a few trees out front. And they used our residents group name to do it, despite being told not to!
I think in my brain I've associated those people who'll object to ANYTHING even if it's of benefit to the area with those people who have genuine and reasonable concerns. I'm sure there are more of the latter but I mostly seem to engage with the former.
we have a few of the same old faces who object to every new bit of development, every company trying something new, every bit of improvement in the area
Ugh God yes I recognise this unfortunately. And I haven't even moved there yet!
The problem is genuine and reasonable concerns get buried under their constant moans, or they distract from the genuine issues with red herrings because they're just trying to throw whatever criticism they can think of at any given plan.
ftfy :P
Given I'm literally buying a house on Rensburg Road because it's nice and quiet I can't say I was stoked to hear about it, but my view is more balanced than some of the local swivel-eyed loons (I watched the WHOLE of the two hour licencing meeting, so you don't have to).
The reality is that Waltham Forest (like all other local authorities) desperately need the money, and there's plenty more green space around there: it's not like it's the one park for miles or anything.
However, it's going to be attended by 4,600 people a night, who will nearly all arrive between 5.30 and 6.30 and be guided down the Black Path (that shared path round the back of the bread factory).
They will put up barriers to protect the cycle lane, but the punters will presumably have to cross it at some point and it's well used so I can imagine a potential conflict there. I think it will also be very hard to walk against the flow down the path when people are arriving/leaving.
Secret Cinema have said the following about the noise:
I hope this is true because the place we're buying is 400m away!
The big issue at the moment is that a lot of the pertinent information hasn't been shared in the planning paperwork. The route along the Black Path is redacted (presumably because they're 'Secret' Cinema) and the Sound Impact Assessment hasn't been uploaded, so the process is somewhat flawed currently.
These are my two main areas of concern so I'm actually talking to Waltham Forest about this at the moment. In their defence, the regeneration page for Low Hall which sets out all the details hasn't been updated for a while because the guy who looked after it died unexpectedly :(
Oh and the application is very hard to find, so much so I made a link for it:
It's open for responses until 14 Feb.