Lovely build and frame. From that original post saying that it's a 63cm seatpost I thought you'd hit the tall rider jackpot! It's interesting to see the seat tube rise that high above the top tube. The c-c measurements came up a lot smaller than I expected after reading through the thread.
Very familiar with seeing that much seatpost. How tall are you?
It is a lovely frame Jonti but the c-c is not high enough meaning the head tube is in the short side for my 6’5” body. I’m probably too old for such a radical seat to bar drop these days but I haven’t tried it yet
Lovely build and frame. From that original post saying that it's a 63cm seatpost I thought you'd hit the tall rider jackpot! It's interesting to see the seat tube rise that high above the top tube. The c-c measurements came up a lot smaller than I expected after reading through the thread.
Very familiar with seeing that much seatpost. How tall are you?