but 74 million Americans did vote for a man that is objectively, a fascist and a white supremacist
I don’t know the author, but someone coined a phrase I’ve found myself using all too often: “Not everyone who voted for trump is a racist, but every one of them decided that blatant racism wasn’t a deal breaker”. Same for his fascism, same for his misogyny, same for his sexual predation etc ad nauseum.
but 74 million Americans did vote for a man that is objectively, a fascist and a white supremacist. he then went on to cement this reputation in the weeks leading up to his departure from the white house. whatever other opinions / motivations the people that put him there hold, they pale in comparison to this one immutable fact: they are OK with a fascist takeover of the United States. it's mind blowing but here we are.
Now, the onus is now on each and everyone of these voters to publicly distance themselves from their choice, starting with the communities in which they live - and those that continue to support fascist insurrection need be treated with the suspicion they richly deserve, on a legislative level if required. What's the alternative? hear them out and have a bit of fascism because that's the polite thing to do? fuck that. i have first hand experience of what happens when this malignant shit is allowed to continue as a result of a soft-touch, careful now approach, and people that maybe don't look like you or i always end up paying the price.
hey ho, no one's getting anywhere here so that's that.