I've got all excited, filled a pi hut basket, realised I'd need to solder on the headers, got sad I don't have access to the lab anymore but am ordering anyway. uC, headers, cables and components, breadboard etc all for £25 is amazing value compared to arduino.
Might be a good time to start building up that home lab anyway? I'm hoping finishing my studies will free up some energy to do some own-time tinkering again.
I've got all excited, filled a pi hut basket, realised I'd need to solder on the headers, got sad I don't have access to the lab anymore but am ordering anyway. uC, headers, cables and components, breadboard etc all for £25 is amazing value compared to arduino.
Might be a good time to start building up that home lab anyway? I'm hoping finishing my studies will free up some energy to do some own-time tinkering again.