I got an S20 a few weeks ago. It has a problem maintaining a WiFi connection with my Google Home network. After a lot of digging it sounds like its a Samsung fault affecting all S20s. Quite disappointed that they still haven't fixed or even acknowledged the problem 11 months after release.
I'm a bit of a Samsung fanboi who owns a lot of Samsung kit. I won't be considering another Samsung phone until I see how they resolve the WiFi problem with the S20. Not impressed.
I got an S20 a few weeks ago. It has a problem maintaining a WiFi connection with my Google Home network. After a lot of digging it sounds like its a Samsung fault affecting all S20s. Quite disappointed that they still haven't fixed or even acknowledged the problem 11 months after release.
I'm a bit of a Samsung fanboi who owns a lot of Samsung kit. I won't be considering another Samsung phone until I see how they resolve the WiFi problem with the S20. Not impressed.