Yeah I'd realised that, doesn't feel like too big a deal. However looking at giff gaff's website I can't actually see charges for data outside a goody bag, or whether that's even supported.
Any other PAYG recommendations for minimal amounts of data? Voice calls would be pretty much emergency only.
giffgaff 25p/min for calls, 5p/mb for data on payg.
For a low user try 1p mobile instead
looking at giff gaff's website I can't actually see charges for data outside a goody bag, or whether that's even supported
They don't do block data like they used to, the rates for PAYG data are buried somewhere in the tariff info. I haven't looked for alternatives as I don't need data on my Jersey-pocket phone.
The most tiresome practicality is that you have to have each giff gaff sim on a separate account. As you say, WhatsApp is tied to a phone number, but for a Jersey-pocket beater that's not really a problem.