Yep understood cheers 👍 I thought that was what you were going to say and my new running plan does actually increase my previous volume by a third and increases the intense sessions by half so that could actually do it. I just thought I'd try to get all bases covered now and make sure i wasn't missing anything whilst I've got the time to commit to a pretty hardcore plan rather than get to my first tri/duathlon this year just to get turned over again in the closing kilometers and only then thinking shit I've done it again 😡
I'm guessing, but a bit of both I reckon. One of the physical effects of working on your endurance base with more volume is to increase the size and number of mitochondria in the muscles, which means increasing the muscles' ability to burn the oxygen that the cardio system is trying to deliver to them. Plus the muscles get more running-shaped, so less likely to fatigue when trying to maintain a given level of intensity.