Sounds like what you want is a pompetamine, or trimmed down Day One, all the other options are even more niche. But do come up. Fizzy has an SS Crockett which is the nuclear option in terms of baller "off the shelf" sscx.
For me a commuter (mudguards, maybe a rack, durable enough to leave at work) isn't really in the same category as race bike, but a pompetamine could do it, at a stretch.
No I agree, it’d be ideal to have two bikes but no space, and my commute is basically a cx course for the first half so I’d end up with two very similar bikes!
As others have said sscx is a niche category.
Sounds like what you want is a pompetamine, or trimmed down Day One, all the other options are even more niche. But do come up. Fizzy has an SS Crockett which is the nuclear option in terms of baller "off the shelf" sscx.
For me a commuter (mudguards, maybe a rack, durable enough to leave at work) isn't really in the same category as race bike, but a pompetamine could do it, at a stretch.