So yesterday night, I was cycling home from a hospital shift from North to SE London. All hands on deck, lots of grief, lots of fatigue.
Made it past Kings College Hospital and got tailed up the hill by a car. They horned me, we stopped at the traffic lights, he proceeded to get out of his car and threaten to shoot me in the neck before other people horned him and he moved on.
Throughout lockdown I've had van drivers cut across my lane at speed and abuse me, I've had cars chase me and threaten to break my legs in E London, and plenty of near misses that are wearing me down morale wise.
Anyway for this most recent Kings incident - I was able to vent and report the driver to a police van that happened to be parked later down my route. They encouraged me to get a camera as it's all admissible evidence and have been thinking about one for a while.
My dilemma is that I can't seem to find the right cross section of features that'd work for recording these kinds of incidents.
I'm looking for a helmet cam so I can swivel and pick up details like the threats, car license plates, the scene
Loop recording or 'hindsight' features so that the camera is always recording
Action cams, even higher end gopros, seem to have low (1.5hour) video recording times before their batteries cap out
Car based dash cams have all the FPS and quality I need to pick up license plates, but tend to be USB driven, water vulnerable and arent helmet mountable
So are there products I'm missing or am I asking too much from technology? Can't find anything that suits at the moment and wondered if the hive mind can help
So yesterday night, I was cycling home from a hospital shift from North to SE London. All hands on deck, lots of grief, lots of fatigue.
Made it past Kings College Hospital and got tailed up the hill by a car. They horned me, we stopped at the traffic lights, he proceeded to get out of his car and threaten to shoot me in the neck before other people horned him and he moved on.
Throughout lockdown I've had van drivers cut across my lane at speed and abuse me, I've had cars chase me and threaten to break my legs in E London, and plenty of near misses that are wearing me down morale wise.
Anyway for this most recent Kings incident - I was able to vent and report the driver to a police van that happened to be parked later down my route. They encouraged me to get a camera as it's all admissible evidence and have been thinking about one for a while.
My dilemma is that I can't seem to find the right cross section of features that'd work for recording these kinds of incidents.
I'm looking for a helmet cam so I can swivel and pick up details like the threats, car license plates, the scene
Loop recording or 'hindsight' features so that the camera is always recording
Action cams, even higher end gopros, seem to have low (1.5hour) video recording times before their batteries cap out
Car based dash cams have all the FPS and quality I need to pick up license plates, but tend to be USB driven, water vulnerable and arent helmet mountable
So are there products I'm missing or am I asking too much from technology? Can't find anything that suits at the moment and wondered if the hive mind can help