I've got a few bits and pieces together already that I plan on using for the build.
First up is an 11 speed down tube shifter made by Gevenalle. I'm planning on running a DA R9100 rear mech:
Cassette wise, i've gone for a China special SROAD 10-36T:
I borrowed a friends set of wheels to take few pictures, still haven't decided if silver or black rims are the way to go. But planning on getting Ryan Builds Wheels in Bristol to build me up a set, something like this https://www.ryanbuildswheels.co.uk/product/factotum-race/:
I've got a few bits and pieces together already that I plan on using for the build.
First up is an 11 speed down tube shifter made by Gevenalle. I'm planning on running a DA R9100 rear mech:
Cassette wise, i've gone for a China special SROAD 10-36T:
I borrowed a friends set of wheels to take few pictures, still haven't decided if silver or black rims are the way to go. But planning on getting Ryan Builds Wheels in Bristol to build me up a set, something like this https://www.ryanbuildswheels.co.uk/product/factotum-race/: